Apr 21Liked by Nigel Cockain

No beer for me, but I'm a regular cold coffee and green tea drinker. Who knows how much shit has been in my daily coffee or tea?

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Yes, exactly. I've got to get off instant coffee next, maybe get actual coffee beans or find another drink. Instant coffee and tea bags are big suspects on my Triffid list. I think we need to get back to raw unprocessed food sources.

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Apr 21Liked by Nigel Cockain

Of course, there is a level of absurdity in all of this. Should I not eat the locally grown citrus fruit because there are geo-engineering trails overhead everyday? In fact, should I not eat anything because it may be filled with microplastics and other contaminants? At some point, I just become exhausted when contemplating all of this.

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I know, it reaches points of insanity. It really is exhausting. In order to endure the madness we have to switch off from it frequently, or turn down the volume.

Meanwhile, in the mainstream view of reality, all is normal, of course. The 'Twilight Zone' of the Orwellian Narcoleptic New Normal, 'Stepford Lives' and 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers!' Act 'normal' and don't dare twitch or you'll be spotted! Similar to the days of Convid, a mere few years ago, where you couldn't dare cough in public or you'd be rounded up as a potential granny-killer.

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Apr 22Liked by Nigel Cockain

I'm 100% with you.

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Apr 11Liked by Nigel Cockain

Terrific post Nigel (as are previous posts), but I certainly resonated with your sentiments in this one.

Your " . . . last EVER beer," comment made me laugh, as I've had to face the same unwelcome realisations that almost everything 'normal' is now highly suspect. On a similar hunch I had a look into the supplement regime I thought I was protecting myself with, and to my horror found phenomenal numbers of motile micro-bots reanimating themselves out of the dry content of vitamin capsules once sterile water was applied. Then horror of horrors - I looked at my Peanut Butter. Same revelation.

It was a welcome consolation that I found my Vegemite looking okay at least.

And I relate to your "nagging doubts that this is all normal" comment. At times, despite seeing it with my own eyes, the cognitive dissonance challenges the reality witnessed - until I accept that my wishful thinking/denial is a very normal human frailty when faced with realisations of such magnitude.

It's going to require of us all some courageous soul searching and spiritual confidence to be able to deal with the challenges ahead, eh. Accepting personal responsibility for a solution is the place to start.

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Thanks for your great comment, Mz. I sense we're on the same page regarding this unravelling horror show. It's truly hard to believe at times - made worse by the Orwellian Narcoleptic New Normal which lulls everyone into thinking 'normality' is safe when it's not.

Wow, your look into supplements is shocking, yet it doesn't surprise me at all. I suspect that every manufactured item is now contaminated by this nanotech gunk, if only through the water or airborne contamination.

My view of supplements has radically shifted, too. It shows that we have to veer towards only trusting verified scrupulous 'awake and aware' sources of food and supplements. Not the generic faceless manufacturers. Bonds of trust must be honed with a tight source supply, ideally.

The trouble is, too few 'awake' people are awake to nanotech realities. It's still deemed taboo in the 'truth and freedom' movement. Even if we grow our own food, the polluted nano-water comes from the skies.

I feel like I've morphed up a peg or two over the last week, just from looking at a few drops of beer. I'm not the same person I was even a week ago! Thoughts evolve as we grapple with this stealth nanotech domain. You're right, it's going to take a lot of inner fine-tuning to confront this, 'own it' and hack away at it in the quest for shared solutions.

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