May 4Liked by Nigel Cockain

Great post Nigel - love that you're providing some links also. People need easy access to credibility before they'll engage, it seems.

A decisive recent link:

Dr Ana's Conversation with Dr. Sandy D. Corlett, ND, ThD, DDiv, DCC, PScD - Live Blood Expert.


and a blast from the past . .

SOFIA SMALLSTORM - Chemtrails And The SYNBIO Agenda (2011) -


Good health to ya.

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Thanks very much, Mz. Thanks as well for posting these great links, which I also highly recommend.

I watched Dr. Sandy Corlett's conversation with Dr. Ana Mihalcea - it was a wonderful supporting conversation and validation of hydrogel-loaded live blood findings the world over.

It just so happens that I had a binge watch of Sofia Smallstorm only last weekend after recently coming across a link to her work of years ago. She's extremely good at communicating the whole spectrum of issues.

Here's a link to one of the follow-up videos I discovered of Sofia Smallstorm (amazingly still on YouTube) (It was on "The Fullerton Informer" on YouTube - a vibrant fire-cracker of a conversation recorded in 2019 - and is absolutely loaded with stuff that's even more relevant today):


Also, here's Sofia Smallstorm's website:


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